Теперь Ирден будет всегда следовать за вами замедляя врагов и кастуя молнии. Имеет 2 режима: простой и кастующий молнии. Одновременно можно использовать два Ирдена. Надев на Геральта гроссмейстерский комплект школы грифона, вы получите увеличенный радиус действия Ирдена и дополнительные визуальные эффекты.
Regular Yrden:
Will follow you around under your feet after casting.
If casting a second one (with the corresponding skill equipped), the older one will drop in the location you were when recasting.
Lighning Yrden (a lot has been done here):
Will follow you under your feet as well and will NOT replace the slow Yrden. You can have both together.
Time between shots has been adjusted (compared to old mod), and will now additionally scale with the skill level. A higher skill level means less waiting between lightnings. To counteract the trap running out of charges, the charges amount now scales with ability power too (NOT visible in Sign statistics – yet) (likely to be balanced in later versions).
The trap will NOT stay alive during the whole battle like the old one did. It really is easy enough to get high duration with sign power.
Extra Buffs (DLC content):
Gryphon Grandmaster set bonus: The extended range and additional visual effects were considered and work as supposed.
Yrden Runestone: The slow traps created by lightning Yrden hits spawn correctly under the enemy hit and stay in that location.